Our partnerships
We believe that together you can achieve more. That is why we are a member of selected organisations related to caravans and motorhomes - and beyond. Because we are committed to ensuring that the best way to travel is safe, eventful and unforgettable every time.
Schleswig-Holstein. Germany's True North.
At home in the True North
Since March 2016 we have been a proud partner of the umbrella brand "Schleswig-Holstein. The real north." Because we are at home in the True North. Since reliability and the highest quality are important for security systems, we deliberately chose the development and production site in Eckernförde. Development, production and technical support during and after installation come from a single source. And from single place: our location here in the True North. The connection to Schleswig-Holstein, the people and our business partners strengthens our philosophy to further expand Schleswig-Holstein as a business location.

We are a Premium Partner
InterCaravaning is Europe's largest dealer network. For more than 20 years have found attractive motorhomes and caravans at fair prices, competent service and advice as well as practical accessories and tips. Over 40 selected dealers of the InterCaravaning Group offer first-class products and excellent service: via the online shop or in the local master craftsman workshops, qualified experts ensure hat caravan fans are completely satisfied with installation, conversion or technical solutions. That suits Thitronik and Thitronik suits InterCaravaning. We are a proud Premium Partner.

Reisemobil Union e.V.
Strong community for the best way to travel
The most beautiful way to travel has its own association: The Reisemobil Union e.V. – and we are part of it, of course. The Reisemobil Union e.V. (RU) is one of the largest interest groups for motorhome tourists in Germany. For many years it has been the umbrella organisation for the interests of motorhome drivers. The RU was founded in 1989 by a few motorhome clubs and today consists of several regional motorhome clubs and thousands of individual members. Together they all work to ensure that travelling by motorhome remains an attractive and affordable way of holidaying and living. Additional support is provided by numerous supporting members from industry, tourism and other institutions.

Thitronik is on board
The logbook is an absolute must for everyone who likes to travel. On more than 200 pages, the logbook presents products and technology for motorhomes, caravans and leisure activities - clearly explained and with lots of background information and expert tips. Beginners and seasoned experts alike benefit from this. Simple rules of conduct and valuable tips ensure greater safety on the road so that your holiday won't turn intoa bad memory. As a leading manufacturer of security technology for motorhomes, we are of course on board as an official logbook partner.
We help victims of violence
As experts in security technology, it is particularly important to us to protect people from bad experiences. However, those who have already become victims of violence and crime need a lot of support. This is why we support the Weisser Ring in helping people who have had to experience violence and crime. This way a large amount of humanity arrives where it is urgently needed: among the victims and their families.We are of course also active here and contribute our help.

Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V.
Succeeding together
The Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD) is the mouthpiece of our industry. German and European manufacturers of recreational vehicles, suppliers, service providers, institutions, societies and associations are organised here to represent the interests of the caravanning industry vis-à-vis politics and society.
Questions of technology and standardisation in vehicle construction, regulations on consumer safety and environmental policy issues are the focus of attention here. The CIVD also communicates the concerns, intentions and developments of the industry to the media and the public. Thitronik is of course also involved.

Together for more security
We work hand in hand with vehicle manufacturers
Vehicle manufacturers rely on the security of Thitronik. Our alarm systems are available from many manufacturers as optional extras. Because we have been working with the leading vehicle manufacturers for many years. This cooperation allows us to adapt the products to the individual installation requirements of the vehicles. It goes without saying that the jointly gained knowledge is also incorporated into further development of existing products and the development of new products. We are constantly learning from one another - vehicles and security technology are constantly getting better.